乌克兰及其盟友在柏林会议上寻求城市保护和战后重建的支持,而瑞士主办的和平峰会则被中国和俄罗斯拒绝。 Ukraine and allies seek support for city protection and post-war reconstruction at Berlin conference, while Switzerland hosts a peace summit dismissed by China and Russia.
乌克兰及其盟友在柏林会议上寻求支持以保护城市免受俄罗斯导弹袭击,并敦促国际企业投资数十亿美元用于战后重建。 Ukraine and its allies seek support to protect cities from Russian missiles and urge international businesses to invest billions into post-war reconstruction at a conference in Berlin. 乌克兰希望此次复苏会议能巩固其作为未来欧盟成员国并获得大量重建资金的地位。 Ukraine hopes the recovery conference will solidify its status as a future EU member eligible for significant reconstruction funding. 与此同时,瑞士主办峰会寻求乌克兰和平之路,但中国和俄罗斯却认为这是浪费时间。 Meanwhile, Switzerland hosts a summit to find a path to peace in Ukraine, but China and Russia dismiss it as a waste of time.