美国医生起诉疾控中心和林业发展局从网站上删除公共卫生数据。 Doctors for America sues CDC and FDA over removal of public health data from websites.
美国医生组织 (Doctors for America) 已经对包括疾病预防控制中心 (CDC) 和食品药品管理局 (FDA) 在内的多个美国卫生机构提起诉讼, A medical advocacy group, Doctors for America, has filed a lawsuit against several U.S. health agencies, including the CDC and FDA, over the recent removal of public health data from government websites. 诉讼主张这一行动造成疾病跟踪和病人护理所需信息的危险空白。 The lawsuit claims this action creates a dangerous gap in information needed for disease tracking and patient care. 另外,联邦统计专业协会理事会敦促国会保护和恢复特朗普政府删除的联邦数据。 Separately, the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics is urging Congress to protect and restore federal data removed by the Trump administration.