网站公布联邦卫生工作者的个人信息,其中多数是黑人,他们参与DEI,引起恐惧。 Website publishes personal info of federal health workers, mostly Black, involved in DEI, raising fears.
一个名为“DEI观察清单”的网站公布了联邦卫生工作者的姓名、照片和公共信息,其中主要是卫生和公众服务部的黑人雇员,称他们为参与多样性、平等和包容倡议的“目标”。 A website called "DEI Watch List" has published the names, photos, and public information of federal health workers, primarily Black employees in the Department of Health and Human Services, labeling them as "targets" for their involvement in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. 名单在社交媒体及私人团体聊天中发布, 包括薪金及认为「DEI犯罪」等细节, 如政治捐助及社交媒体使用等。 The list, circulated on social media and in private group chats, includes details such as salaries and perceived "DEI offenses," like political donations and social media use. 保守派监督组织美国问责基金会 (American Accountability Foundation) 是该网站的幕后推手。 The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative watchdog group, is behind the website. 联邦卫生工作者对这份名单表示担心和震惊。 Federal health workers are expressing fear and alarm over the list.