特朗普政府援引性别二元执行令,将LGBT-Q健康信息从联邦网站上删除。 Trump administration removes LGBTQ+ health info from federal sites, citing gender binary executive order.
特朗普政府正在从联邦网站,包括疾病防治中心中删除与性别认同和男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者健康有关的内容,以遵守仅承认男女性别的行政命令。 The Trump administration is removing content related to gender identity and LGBTQ+ health from federal websites, including the CDC, to comply with an executive order that recognizes only male and female sexes. 这一行动导致变性人中艾滋病毒数据被删除,影响男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者青年的健康差异也随之消失。 This move has led to the removal of data on HIV among transgender individuals and health disparities affecting LGBTQ+ youth. 卫生专家警告说,这些变化可能导致关键的卫生信息丢失,并对公共卫生举措产生不利影响。 Health experts warn that these changes could lead to a loss of crucial health information and negatively impact public health initiatives.