22 个州起诉特朗普政府削减医学研究资金。 Twenty-two states sue Trump administration over cuts to medical research funding.
22 个州已对特朗普政府提起诉讼,质疑最近削减医学研究经费的做法。 Twenty-two states have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, challenging recent cuts to funding for medical research grants. 各州认为,这些减排可能会损害公共卫生,阻碍科学进步,并对经济产生负面影响。 The states argue that these reductions could harm public health, hinder scientific progress, and negatively impact the economy. 该诉讼向联邦法院提起,旨在阻止一项限制支付大学和医疗中心研究管理费用的政策变化。 The lawsuit, filed in federal court, aims to block a policy change that limits payments for research overhead expenses at universities and medical centers.