联合国警告美国暂停援助到2028年可能会在阿富汗造成超过1,200例产妇死亡。 UN warns US aid pause could cause over 1,200 more maternal deaths in Afghanistan by 2028.
联合国警告说,奉特朗普总统的命令,美国对阿富汗的援助暂停90天,到2028年,可能导致超过1,200名产妇死亡。 The UN warns that a 90-day pause in US aid to Afghanistan, ordered by President Trump, could lead to over 1,200 additional maternal deaths by 2028. 这一停顿影响了900多万阿富汗人的性健康和生殖健康服务,巴基斯坦120万难民面临保健设施关闭。 This pause affects sexual and reproductive health services for over 9 million Afghans, with 1.2 million refugees in Pakistan facing health facility closures. 阿富汗已经看到母亲每两小时死于可预防的并发症。 Afghanistan already sees a mother dying from preventable complications every two hours.