联合国警告说,由于人道主义援助减少,喀布尔儿童和妇女的营养不良入院人数将增加两倍。 UN warns of tripled malnutrition admissions in Kabul children and women due to decreased humanitarian aid.
联合国世界粮食计划署驻阿富汗办事处警告称,妇女和儿童营养不良现象正在急剧上升,过去三年来,喀布尔因营养不良入院的人数增加了两倍。 The UN World Food Programme in Afghanistan has warned of an alarming rise in malnutrition among women and children, with admissions for malnutrition in Kabul tripling over the past three years. 联合国将此情况归咎于人道主义援助的减少,从而使问题更加严重。 The UN attributes the situation to a decrease in humanitarian aid, worsening the issue. 营养不良的母亲也是造成孩子健康状况不佳的原因之一,而且缺乏足够的医疗设施来治疗患者。 Malnourished mothers are also contributing to their children's poor health, and there is a lack of adequate facilities for patients.