人口基金寻求14亿美元用于援助面临生殖健康风险的危机地区的4 500万妇女和女孩。 UNFPA seeks $1.4 billion to aid 45 million women and girls in crisis zones facing reproductive health risks.
联合国人口基金(人口基金)正在寻求14亿美元,为危机地区的4 500多万妇女和女孩提供生殖健康服务和基于性别的暴力保护。 The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is seeking $1.4 billion to provide reproductive health services and gender-based violence protection to over 45 million women and girls in crisis zones. 发出这一呼吁时,流离失所人数创下记录,人道主义需求增加,1 100万孕妇需要紧急支助。 This appeal comes amid record displacement and rising humanitarian needs, with 11 million pregnant women requiring urgent support. 尽管在2024年向1 000万人提供了服务,但人口基金面临巨大的资金缺口,旨在加强地方应对和防备未来危机的能力。 Despite reaching 10 million people with services in 2024, UNFPA faces a significant funding gap and aims to strengthen local responses and preparedness for future crises.