最高法院命令卡纳塔卡征聘158名民事法官,压倒国家冻结雇用。 Supreme Court orders Karnataka to recruit 158 civil judges, overriding state's hiring freeze.
最高法院已命令卡纳塔克高等法院着手征聘158名民事法官,这超越了停止直接征聘进程的州政府指示。 The Supreme Court has ordered the Karnataka High Court to proceed with recruiting 158 civil judges, overriding a state government directive that had halted the direct recruitment process. 11月,国家发布了一份通知,修订了征聘规则,以停止直接雇用。 The state had issued a circular in November, amending recruitment rules to stop direct hires. 法院还要求了解德里土地问题的最新情况,同时审理一个关于若干州司法空缺和基础设施问题的案件。 The court also asked for updates on land issues in Delhi, while hearing a case about judicial vacancies and infrastructure problems across several states.