巴基斯坦最高法院法官试图延迟新任命, Pakistani Supreme Court judges seek to delay new appointments, citing concerns over "court packing" and judicial seniority.
巴基斯坦最高法院的四名法官写信给首席法官Yahya Afridi,要求推迟新法官的任命,直到就第26次宪法修正案作出决定。 Four Supreme Court judges in Pakistan have written to Chief Justice Yahya Afridi, asking to postpone the appointment of new judges until a decision is made on the 26th Constitutional Amendment. 他们辩称,即时任命可能会造成“法庭打包”的印象,并强调了对伊斯兰堡高等法院法官的资历以及调任法官重新宣誓的必要性的关切。 They argue that immediate appointments could create an impression of "court packing" and highlight concerns about the seniority of Islamabad High Court judges and the need for transferred judges to retake an oath. 法官们还质疑伊斯兰堡高等法院首席法官单方面决定资历的问题。 The judges also question the unilateral determination of seniority by the Islamabad High Court Chief Justice.