印度中心根据最高法院学院的建议任命安得拉邦和阿拉哈巴德高等法院法官为常任法官。 Indian Centre appoints Andhra Pradesh and Allahabad High Court judges as permanent judges based on Supreme Court Collegium's recommendations.
根据最高法院合议庭的建议,印度中心又任命安得拉邦高等法院的两名法官为常任法官。 Indian Centre appoints two additional judges of Andhra Pradesh High Court as permanent judges, following Supreme Court Collegium's recommendations. 裁决是在评估法官业绩并审议咨询人和判决评估委员会的意见之后作出的。 The decision comes after assessing the judges' performances and considering opinions of consultees and Judgment Assessment Committee. 中央政府还通知从阿拉阿巴德高等法院任命另外九名法官为常任法官,根据同一建议程序行事。 Central Government also notifies the appointment of nine additional judges from Allahabad High Court as permanent judges, acting on the same recommendation process.