美国航天局在加利福尼亚州Palos Verdes探测到快速移动的山坡滑坡,威胁到当地基础设施。 NASA detects fast-moving landslide in Palos Verdes, California, threatening local infrastructure.
NASA的雷达数据显示 洛杉矶的帕洛斯维德斯半岛 正在经历加速滑坡, 地区每周向海洋移动4英寸。 NASA's radar data reveals that the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles is experiencing an accelerated landslide, with areas moving up to 4 inches per week towards the ocean. 这一扩展是在2023年和2024年初暴雨后进行的。 This expansion followed heavy rainfall in 2023 and early 2024. 这些数据通过先进的雷达技术收集,突出了对当地基础设施和安全的风险,并通过美国航天局灾害绘图门户与加利福尼亚官员和公众分享。 The data, collected through advanced radar technology, highlights risks to local infrastructure and safety, and was shared with California officials and the public via NASA's Disaster Mapping Portal.