Rancho Palos Verdes居民因政府反应迟缓而独立解决滑坡问题。 Rancho Palos Verdes residents independently address landslide issues due to slow government response.
Rancho Palos Verdes的居民正在联合起来,独立解决目前的山崩问题。 Residents of Rancho Palos Verdes are uniting to address ongoing landslide issues independently. 政府反应迟缓,令社区感到沮丧,社区正在主动寻找办法,解决威胁其家园和安全的一再出现的问题。 Frustrated by slow governmental responses, the community is taking initiative to find solutions for the recurring problem that threatens their homes and safety. 这一基层努力表明,他们决心倡导采取有效措施,减少本地区的滑坡风险。 This grassroots effort reflects their determination to advocate for effective measures to mitigate landslide risks in their area.