中国将美国公司PVH Corp和Illumina加入贸易纠纷“不可靠的实体名单”。 China adds U.S. firms PVH Corp and Illumina to "unreliable entity list" over trade disputes.
中国以违反市场贸易原则和对中国公司采取歧视行动为由,将美国PVH公司和Illumina公司增列入“不可靠的实体名单”。 China has added U.S. companies PVH Corp and Illumina to its "unreliable entity list" for violating market trading principles and taking discriminatory actions against Chinese firms. 商务部指出,这一行动旨在保护中国的国家利益,并将导致根据相关法律对这些公司采取相应措施。 The Ministry of Commerce stated this move aims to protect China's national interests and will result in corresponding measures being taken against these companies under relevant laws.