中国商务部根据不可靠的实体名单调查PVH公司据称无故抵制新疆棉花。 China's Ministry of Commerce investigates PVH Corp on unreliable entity list for allegedly boycotting Xinjiang cotton without basis.
中国商务部正在根据其不可靠的实体名单调查美国公司PVH公司(Tommy Hilfiger和Calvin Klein)的业主Tommy Hilfiger和Calvin Klein,指控其无端抵制新疆的棉花,并停止与中国实体的交易。 China's Ministry of Commerce is investigating U.S. company PVH Corp, owner of Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, under its unreliable entity list for allegedly boycotting cotton from Xinjiang without basis and ceasing transactions with Chinese entities. 内务部保证,PVH在调查期间自卫的权利将受到保护。 The MOC assures that PVH's rights to defend itself during the investigation will be protected. 2020年制定的不可靠的实体名单针对的是破坏市场规则的外国公司,同时为守法企业促进稳定环境。 The unreliable entity list, established in 2020, targets foreign firms disrupting market rules while promoting a stable environment for compliant businesses.