中国调查了PVH公司据称与新疆地区有关的贸易违规事件。 China investigates PVH Corp. over alleged trading violations linked to the Xinjiang region.
中国商务部正在调查美国时装公司PVH Corp. China's Ministry of Commerce is investigating US fashion company PVH Corp., parent to brands like Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, over alleged "improper practices" related to the Xinjiang region. 2024年9月启动的调查显示,PVH可能违反了涉及新疆产品的贸易原则。 The investigation, launched in September 2024, suggests PVH may have violated trading principles involving Xinjiang products. 中国计划公布最终结果,并在该地区人权关切的紧张局势下,不久就与PVH举行讨论。 China plans to release final results and hold a discussion with PVH soon, amid tensions over human rights concerns in the region. 其结果可能影响PVH在中国的业务,而中国是一个重要的市场。 The outcome could impact PVH's operations in China, a key market.