大气河流风暴袭击了北加州,导致洪水、道路封闭和大雪警告。 Atmospheric river storms hit Northern California, causing flooding, road closures, and heavy snow warnings.
多场大气河流风暴袭击北加州,带来大雨和大雪,促使人们进行洪水观察和警告。 Multiple atmospheric river storms are hitting Northern California, bringing heavy rain and snow, prompting flood watches and warnings. 第一场风暴造成了轻微的洪水和湿滑的道路。 The first storm caused minor flooding and slippery roads. 预计本周将有更多降雨,北部地区和内华达山脉降雨量最大,增加了洪水和泥石流的风险。 More rain is expected this week, with the heaviest precipitation in northern regions and the Sierra Nevada mountains, raising flood and mudslide risks. 这些风暴可能会为最近的野火提供一些缓解,但会给居民带来挑战。 The storms may offer some relief from recent wildfires but pose challenges for residents.