研究发现,COVID-19明显增加了心理健康风险,特别是对未接种疫苗而言。 Study finds COVID-19 significantly raises mental health risks, especially for unvaccinated.
一项新的研究将COVID-19与日益严重的心理健康问题联系起来,这些问题包括抑郁、焦虑和药物滥用,特别是在未接种疫苗的病人中。 A new study links COVID-19 to increased mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, especially in unvaccinated patients. 未接种疫苗的住院病人患抑郁症的可能性比接种疫苗的住院病人高15倍以上,后者的风险稍低一些。 Unvaccinated hospitalized patients were over 15 times more likely to develop depression compared to vaccinated hospitalized patients, who had a slightly lower risk. 虽然疫苗可以降低风险,但疫苗并不能消除这种风险。 While vaccines reduce the risk, they do not eliminate it. 住院病人感染后甚至三年的死亡风险也较高。 Hospitalized patients also faced an elevated risk of death even three years post-infection.