COVID-19禁闭可能加速了青少年,特别是女孩的大脑老化4.2年。 COVID-19 lockdowns may have accelerated brain aging in teenagers, particularly girls, by 4.2 years.
华盛顿大学的一项研究表明,COVID-19的禁闭可能加速了青少年尤其是女孩的大脑衰老,增加了4.2年,而男孩为1.4年。 A study from the University of Washington indicates that COVID-19 lockdowns may have accelerated brain aging in teenagers, particularly girls, by 4.2 years compared to 1.4 years for boys. 核磁共振扫描显示,在30个脑部区域,女孩的皮下薄化速度加快,男孩只有两个。 MRI scans revealed accelerated cortical thinning in 30 brain regions for girls and only two for boys. 这些变化引起了人们对心理健康和发展可能受到的长期影响的关切,突出表明在这一关键时期需要向青少年提供支助。 These changes raise concerns about potential long-term impacts on mental health and development, underscoring the need for support for adolescents during this critical period.