JAMA的研究发现,免疫后心肌炎的不良心血管病事件少于常规的心肌炎。 Study in JAMA finds post-vaccination myocarditis has fewer adverse cardiovascular events than conventional myocarditis.
JAMA公布的一项研究发现,疫苗接种后心肌炎或心脏肌肉炎导致的心血管不良事件少于常规的心肌炎。 A study published in JAMA found that post-vaccination myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, resulted in fewer adverse cardiovascular events than conventional myocarditis. 研究人员分析了从2020年12月至2022年6月4 635名12至49岁患有心肌炎的病人。 Researchers analyzed 4,635 patients aged 12 to 49 hospitalized for myocarditis from December 2020 to June 2022. 与会者分为三类:与疫苗有关的心肌炎、与感染有关的心肌炎或因其他原因而患心肌炎的人。 Participants were divided into three groups: those with vaccine-related myocarditis, infection-related myocarditis, or myocarditis for other reasons. 研究表明,与MRNA疫苗有关的心肌炎的风险较低,而COVID-19对心脏的影响并不限于心肌炎。 The study suggests that the risk of myocarditis linked to mRNA vaccines is low and that COVID-19's impact on the heart is not limited to myocarditis.