联合王国的产妇审查增加了300例,延后至2026年6月,后来发现文件被删除。 UK maternity review expanded by 300 cases, delayed until June 2026, after deleted documents found.
联合王国在诺丁汉大学医院国家保健服务信托公司进行的最大一次产妇审查已扩大到包括300个家庭,将调查结果推迟到2026年6月。 The UK's largest maternity review at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust has been expanded to include 300 more families, delaying its findings to June 2026. 审查于2022年启动,调查了2012年前的死胎、新生儿死亡和受伤情况。 Launched in 2022, the review investigates stillbirths, neonatal deaths, and injuries dating back to 2012. 现在涉及2 300多个家庭,扩大后发现了一个删除的文件,其中载有产妇文件,促使警方进行单独调查。 Now involving over 2,300 families, the expansion follows the discovery of a deleted file containing maternity documents, prompting a separate police investigation. 该信托基金支持延迟,并正与警方合作,确保数码档案的安全。 The trust supports the delay and is cooperating with police to secure digital files.