Thirlwall调查调查切斯特医院伯爵夫人对关于Letby行为和可能的高级管理层问责制的警告的反应。 Thirlwall Inquiry investigates Countess of Chester Hospital's response to warnings about Letby's conduct and potential senior management accountability.
Thirlwall调查揭露了对切斯特医院女伯爵管理层的指控,指控其授权护士Lucy Letby因谋杀7名婴儿而被定罪。 The Thirlwall Inquiry has revealed accusations against the management of Countess of Chester Hospital for allegedly enabling nurse Lucy Letby, convicted of murdering seven infants. 一位孩子在2015年去世的母亲声称,早些就所提出的关切采取行动,本可以防止婴儿死亡。 A mother whose child died in 2015 claims that earlier action on concerns raised could have prevented her baby’s death. 预计将于2025年结束的调查正在审查医院对Letby行为警告的反应以及高级管理层的潜在问责制。 The inquiry, expected to conclude in 2025, is examining the hospital's response to warnings about Letby's conduct and the potential accountability of senior management.