澳大利亚维多利亚州为检查导致一名六天婴儿在家分娩期间死亡的风险和护理情况而计划进行的调查。 Inquest scheduled to examine risks and care leading to the death of a six-day-old baby during a home birth in Victoria, Australia.
澳大利亚维多利亚州一名验尸官将调查6天大的婴儿R的死亡情况,他是在计划的家庭分娩出错后死亡的。 A coroner in Victoria, Australia, will investigate the death of six-day-old Baby R, who died after a planned home birth went wrong. 这名母亲在前次分娩时曾受过创伤,当R宝宝的心率上升时,她因紧急剖腹产被转至Bendigo Health医院。 The mother, who had a traumatic previous birth, was transferred to Bendigo Health for an emergency Caesarean when Baby R's heart rate increased. 调查将审查她是否正确获悉其高危怀孕和不适宜在家分娩。 The inquest will examine whether she was correctly informed about her high-risk pregnancy and the unsuitability of a home birth. 它还将研究助产护理和执业者之间的沟通问题。 It will also look into midwifery care and communication between practitioners. 调查突出表明错失了进行风险评估的机会,定于7月进行。 The inquest highlights missed opportunities for risk assessment and is scheduled for July.