在马来西亚中国新年的三天骚扰中,伤员为家人辩护。 Man injured defending family from three days of harassment during Chinese New Year in Malaysia.
一名新加坡男子在马来西亚柔佛克卢昂中国新年庆典期间保护家人不受攻击者骚扰时受伤。 A Singaporean man was injured while defending his family from harassment by attackers during Chinese New Year celebrations in Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. 袭击者用鞭炮、油漆和损坏车辆骚扰家人三天。 The attackers harassed the family for three days, using firecrackers, paint, and damaging cars. 妻子是发型师,她注意到她们没有欠债,以前曾报告过骚扰,但当局没有答复。 The wife, a hairstylist, noted they have no loanshark debts and had previously reported the harassment without response from authorities.