中国前情报官陈苏珊和她女儿露琳达因骚扰邻居而入狱5.5年。 Former Chinese intelligence officer Susan Chen and her daughter Linda Lu jailed for 5.5 years for harassing neighbors.
中国前情报官员陈苏珊和她女儿露琳达因骚扰邻居詹姆士和林恩史密斯在林肯郡巴辛汉姆被分别监禁5年半。 A former Chinese intelligence officer, Susan Chen, and her daughter Linda Lu, have been jailed for five-and-a-half years each for harassing their neighbors, James and Lynn Smith, in Bassingham, Lincolnshire. 骚扰始于2023年7月的对冲争端,包括响亮的噪音、播放音乐和闪亮的火炬,造成严重痛苦。 The harassment, which began over a hedge dispute in July 2023, included loud noises, playing music, and shining torches, causing significant distress. 该法官将此案描述为此类案件中最严重的案件之一。 The judge described the case as one of the most serious of its kind. Chen和Lu也都发出了限制令。 Both Chen and Lu were also issued restraining orders.