四人在印度被捕, 罪名是因灯光纠纷攻击一个圣诞颂歌团体。 Four people arrested in India for attacking a Christmas carol group over a lighting dispute.
在印度的Pathananthitta区, 四人因在凌晨1: 30左右袭击圣诞颂歌派对而被捕。 Four people were arrested in India's Pathanamthitta district for attacking a Christmas carol party around 1:30 am. 袭击者是另一教会的卡罗尔党的一部分,指控目标团体在行进路上不擦亮他们的灯光。 The attackers, part of another church's carol party, accused the targeted group of not dimming their lights while moving on the road. 这场争吵影响到了目标卡拉队的妇女。 The altercation affected women from the targeted carol team. 警方正在进行调查,以找到参与这一事件的更多嫌疑人。 Police are investigating to find additional suspects involved in the incident.