在平民袭击不断增加的情况下,一名中国男子将他的汽车撞向一群正在锻炼的人,造成 20 多人受伤。 A man in China plowed his car into a group exercising, injuring over 20 people, amid rising civilian attacks.
一名 62 岁的男子在中国珠海被捕,他驾驶汽车撞向在体育中心锻炼的一群人,造成 20 多人受伤。 A 62-year-old man was arrested in Zhuhai, China, after driving his car into a group of people exercising at a sports center, injuring over 20 individuals. 该事件发生在珠海航展前夕,目前正在调查以确定是故意还是意外。 The incident occurred on the eve of the Zhuhai Airshow and is under investigation to determine if it was intentional or an accident. 体育中心已无限期关闭,该活动在网上面临严格的审查。 The sports center has been closed indefinitely, and the event is facing heavy censorship online. 中国最近针对随机平民的袭击有所增加。 China has seen a rise in recent attacks targeting random civilians.