23岁的新加坡嫌疑人破坏国家节的装饰品,面临长达2年的监禁。 23-year-old Singaporean suspect vandalizes National Day decorations, faces up to 2 years in jail.
23岁新加坡人涉嫌破坏班丹花园的国庆花卉装饰,形成冒犯性词语。 23-year-old Singaporean suspected of damaging National Day floral decorations in Pandan Gardens to form an offensive word. 警方指认了嫌疑人,据称他拍摄并分享了TikTok案的案情。 Police identified the suspect, who allegedly filmed and shared the act on TikTok. 如果被判定犯有恶作剧罪,他可能会面临长达两年的监禁、罚款或两者兼而有之。 If found guilty of mischief, he could face up to 2 years in jail, a fine, or both. 当局对破坏公共装饰品实行零容忍政策,象征着民族精神。 Authorities have a zero-tolerance policy on damaging public decorations symbolizing national spirit.