路易斯安那州启动三万元辅导计划 以提高小学生的读数和数学分数 Louisiana launches $30M tutoring program to boost elementary students' reading, math scores.
路易斯安那州启动了一项3 000万加元的高剂量辅导方案,以帮助小学生提高阅读和数学技能。 Louisiana has launched a $30 million high-dosage tutoring program to help elementary students improve their reading and math skills. 每周举行三次为期30分钟的会议,每组不超过4名学生。 Sessions are held three times a week for 30 minutes with groups of no more than four students. 这一倡议始于杰斐逊双层学院,在提高学生信心和标准化考试分数方面取得了成功,特别是在四年级阅读方面,路易斯安那州在国家成绩单上的排名显著提高。 The initiative, which began at Jefferson Terrace Academy, has shown success in boosting student confidence and standardized test scores, particularly in fourth-grade reading, where Louisiana's ranking improved significantly on the Nation's Report Card.