内布拉斯加州在K-12教育中获得5 500万加元联邦赠款,用于提高针对处境不利者、英语学生和残疾学生的K-12教育的识字率。 Nebraska receives $55M federal grant for literacy enhancement in K-12 education, targeting disadvantaged, English learners, and disabled students.
内布拉斯加州获得联邦赠款5 500万美元,这是教育部历史上最大的一笔赠款,用于在今后五年内提高儿童从出生到12年级的识字率。 Nebraska has secured a $55 million federal grant, the largest in its Department of Education history, to enhance literacy for children from birth to 12th grade over the next five years. 该倡议将侧重于通过循证战略,支持处境不利的学生、英语学生和残疾人。 The initiative will focus on supporting disadvantaged students, English learners, and those with disabilities through evidence-based strategies. 路易斯安那州还收到一笔7 000万美元的赠款,用于改善高需要学校的阅读方案,资金从2025-2026学年开始。 Louisiana has also received a $70 million grant to improve reading programs in high-need schools, with funding starting in the 2025-2026 school year.