俄勒冈州从美国教育部获得11 500万美元,用于加强针对有限英语熟练程度学生和残疾学生的扫盲方案。 Oregon receives $11.5M from US Dept of Education to enhance literacy programs targeting limited-English proficiency and disabled students.
俄勒冈州将从美国教育部获得1150万美元, 以加强识字计划, Oregon will receive $11.5 million from the U.S. Department of Education to enhance literacy programs, as announced by Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden. 资助对象为英语水平有限的学生和残疾学生,包括阅读障碍者。 The funding targets limited-English-proficient students and those with disabilities, including dyslexia. 该倡议是五年内可能执行的5 790万美元方案的一部分,旨在提高全州扫盲成就,并为从出生到12年级的学生制定综合扫盲计划。 This initiative, part of a potential $57.9 million program over five years, aims to improve literacy achievements across the state and develop a comprehensive literacy plan for students from birth to grade 12.