新西兰为3 000名学生启动3M数学支助方案,以提高技能和缩小公平差距。 New Zealand launches $3M math support program for 3,000 students to improve skills and reduce equity gaps.
新西兰教育部长Erica Stanford为145所学校的3 000名七年级学生和8名学生发起了一项300万美元的数学支助方案。 New Zealand's Education Minister Erica Stanford launched a $3 million math support program for 3,000 Year 7 and 8 students in 145 schools. 为期12周的试验包括小型团体辅导和由AI支持的在线课程,以帮助学生达到课程数学标准,资金以学生参与为基础。 The 12-week trial includes small group tutoring and online AI-supported lessons to help students meet curriculum math standards, with funding based on student participation. 该方案旨在提高学生的信心和成就,缩小教育平等差距。 The program aims to boost student confidence and achievement, reducing educational equity gaps.