伦敦的无障碍住房不足,只有3%的新住房适合老年或残疾居民使用。 London's accessible housing falls short, with only 3% of new homes suitable for older or disabled residents.
伦敦的包容报告显示,在伦敦批准的新住房中,只有3%适合老年或残疾居民居住,为轮椅使用者设计的不到1%。 Inclusion London's report reveals that only 3% of new homes approved in London are suitable for older or disabled residents, with less than 1% designed for wheelchair users. 尽管Sadiq Khan市长承诺提供所有新的住房,但报告强调了监测和资源方面的问题,导致开发商达不到标准。 Despite Mayor Sadiq Khan's commitment to make all new housing accessible, the report highlights issues with monitoring and resources, leading to developers not meeting standards. 缺乏无障碍住房影响到55 249名等待社会出租住房的人,对他们的健康产生了负面影响。 The shortage of accessible housing affects 55,249 people waiting for socially rented homes, impacting their health negatively.