在加拿大的住房危机中,倡导者力促为残疾人提供更便捷的住房。 In Canada's housing crisis, advocates push for more accessible homes for people with disabilities.
在加拿大住房危机中,倡导者正在推动为残疾人提供更方便的住房选择。 Amid Canada's housing crisis, advocates are pushing for more accessible housing options for people with disabilities. 目前,无障碍住房稀缺,许多像5岁这样的脊椎肌肉萎缩的Beau每天面临挑战。 Currently, accessible housing is scarce, leaving many, like 5-year-old Beau with spinal muscular atrophy, facing daily challenges. 倡导者认为,建筑无障碍从一开始就比改造更符合成本效益。 Advocates argue building accessibility from the start is more cost-effective than retrofitting. 加拿大的目标是到2031年建造387万套新住房, 推动将更适应性更强、更便捷的设计纳入其中。 With Canada aiming to build 3.87 million new homes by 2031, there's a push to include more adaptable, accessible designs.