麻木不仁的人要等五年才能获得无障碍住房,这突出表明了残疾人友好型住房的短缺。 Paralyzed man waits five years for accessible home, highlighting shortage of disability-friendly housing.
一个瘫痪的人,Chris Smith, 5年来一直住在一个临终护理室里, 等待着一个轮椅无障碍的家。 A paralyzed man, Chris Smith, has been living in an end-of-life care room for five years while waiting for a wheelchair-accessible home. 区议会网络(DCN)和残疾群体认为,建造的无障碍住房不足,并呼吁改革规划规则,以确保至少8%至10%的新家庭能够使用轮椅。 The District Councils Network (DCN) and disability groups argue that not enough accessible homes are being built and call for planning rules to be reformed to ensure at least 8% to 10% of new homes are wheelchair-accessible. 一项调查发现,三分之一有残疾儿童的家庭住在不适当的家中。 A survey found that a third of families with disabled children live in inadequate homes.