新西兰的私人出租部门面临对老年房客获得住房的日益增长的需求。 New Zealand's private rental sector faces growing demand for accessible housing for elderly tenants.
正如Te Ara Ahunga Ora退休委员会的一项研究所揭示的那样,新西兰的私人租房部门对老年人租房人数的上升准备不足。 New Zealand's private rental sector is ill-prepared for the rising number of elderly tenants, as revealed in a study by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission. 由于预计到2048年,65岁以上租房人数将翻一番,研究显示,只有一小部分房东作出或考虑作出修改,以容纳老房客。 With the number of over-65s renting predicted to double by 2048, the research indicates that only a small percentage of landlords have made or considered modifications to accommodate older tenants. 财产管理公司也缺乏具体的政策和程序来管理老年人租房者的租房。 Property management companies also lack specific policies and procedures to manage tenancies of elderly renters. 对无障碍租赁住房的需求不断增长,因此行业需要认识到无障碍改造的重要性和价值,并就支持老年租房者“就地养老”进行更多对话。 The growing demand for accessible rental housing necessitates industry recognition of the importance and value of accessibility modifications and greater dialogue on supporting older renters to "age in place."