加沙居民返回受轰炸的家园,发现废墟,在停火期间生活在恐惧之中。 Gaza resident returns to bombed home, finding ruins and living in fear during ceasefire.
加沙居民Manal Al-Harsh在停火期间回到她在城市北部被毁的家园,在废墟中发现老鼠、狗和破烂衣服。 Gaza resident Manal Al-Harsh returned to her destroyed home in the northern part of the city during a ceasefire, finding rats, dogs, and torn clothes among the ruins. 尽管以色列暂停轰炸,但她和家人仍生活在恐惧之中,用被抢的毯子搭建临时帐篷。 Despite the respite from Israeli bombardments, she and her family live in fear, setting up a makeshift tent from salvaged blankets. 许多流离失所的巴勒斯坦人面临类似的斗争,加沙市在经过15个月的战斗后一片废墟中。 Many displaced Palestinians face similar struggles as Gaza City lies in ruins after 15 months of fighting.