巴勒斯坦人在停火下开始返回加沙北部的家园,在废墟中建立帐篷营地。 Palestinians begin returning home to northern Gaza under a ceasefire, setting up tent camps amid ruins.
根据与以色列和哈马斯达成的停火协议,加沙北部巴勒斯坦人正在为返回家园的家庭设立帐篷营地。 Palestinians in northern Gaza are setting up tent camps for families returning home under a ceasefire deal with Israel and Hamas. 该地区受到15个月的以色列攻势的严重破坏,许多房屋被废墟毁坏。 The area was heavily damaged by a 15-month Israeli offensive, leaving many homes in ruins. 返回计划在交换人质后进行,哈马斯释放俘虏以换取被以色列监禁的巴勒斯坦人。 The return is scheduled for after a hostage exchange, with Hamas releasing captives in exchange for Palestinians jailed by Israel. 停火允许分阶段回返,家庭在沿海公路沿线无武器步行返回。 The ceasefire allows for a phased return, with families walking back along the coastal road without arms.