超过60%的加沙家庭无家可归,住房毁坏超过2014年战争水平。 Over 60% of Gaza families are homeless, with housing destruction exceeding 2014 war levels.
由于持续不断的冲突,加沙地带60%以上的家庭现在无家可归,破坏超过了2014年战争的破坏。 Over 60% of Gaza Strip families are now homeless due to ongoing conflict, with destruction surpassing that of the 2014 war. 破坏规模之大,加上数千万吨瓦砾,超过了当地清理能力。 The scale of damage, with tens of millions of tons of rubble, exceeds local cleanup capacity. 该部提出临时住房解决方案,如流动住房或租房津贴。 The ministry proposes temporary housing solutions like mobile units or rental allowances. 住房单位的完全被毁率为88%,损失估计为370亿美元。 Total destruction of housing units is at 88%, with losses estimated at $37 billion.