大火摧毁了马赫尔市政厅;附近的中心已疏散,当局敦促公众谨慎。 Fire devastates Maghull Town Hall; nearby center evacuated, authorities urge public caution.
在默西赛德的Maghull市政厅爆发了一场大火,从数英里外可见烟雾。 A large fire broke out at Maghull Town Hall in Merseyside, with smoke visible from miles away. 火灾大约在中午开始,10辆消防车被送至现场。 The fire started around midday, and ten fire engines were sent to the scene. 市政厅的屋顶严重受损,附近的Meadows休闲中心安全撤离。 The town hall's roof was badly damaged, and the nearby Meadows Leisure Centre was safely evacuated. 当局建议公众避开该地区,关上窗户和门,以避免烟雾。 Authorities advised the public to avoid the area and keep windows and doors closed to avoid smoke. 应急处和警察正在处理事件并确保安全。 Emergency services and police are managing the incident and ensuring safety.