斯塔福德郡Foxley旅馆发生火灾,导致在一次烟火事件中疏散,但没有人受伤。 A fire at the Foxley Hotel in Staffordshire led to evacuations during a fireworks event, but no injuries occurred.
斯塔福德郡米尔顿Foxley旅馆发生火灾,营火蔓延到一辆废弃的面包车,导致在一次烟火事件中疏散人员。 A fire erupted at the Foxley Hotel in Milton, Staffordshire, when a bonfire spread to an abandoned caravan, leading to evacuations during a fireworks event. 消防员迅速控制了大火,没有伤亡报告。 Firefighters swiftly controlled the blaze, with no injuries reported. 人们注意到煤气罐的响亮爆炸,引起儿童恐慌。 Loud explosions from a gas canister were noted, causing panic among children. 旅馆确认事件发生后每个人都安全。 The hotel confirmed everyone was safe after the incident. 同时,在苏塞克斯,出于安全考虑,官员警告不要参加附近的一次营火活动。 Meanwhile, in Sussex, officials warned against attending a nearby bonfire event due to safety concerns.