8月20日,在北安普敦圣安德鲁路的一个商业单位发生火灾,造成道路封锁和数百米外可见的烟雾。 20 August, a fire broke out at a business unit on St Andrew's Road, Northampton, causing road closures and smoke visible from several hundred meters.
8月20日,在北安普敦圣安德鲁路的一个商业单位发生大火,造成道路关闭,并劝告附近居民关上门窗。 A major fire broke out at a business unit on St Andrew's Road, Northampton, on 20 August, causing road closures and advice for nearby residents to keep doors and windows shut. 北安普敦郡消防和救援局自晚上 8 点 30 分以来一直在与大火作斗争,并敦促人们远离该地区。 The Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service have been battling the fire since 8:30 pm and urged people to stay away from the area. 烟雾在几百米外可见和可探测。 Smoke was visible and detectable from several hundred meters away.