消防员在Horsham与大规模工业火灾作斗争,封锁道路,向居民发出警告。 Firefighters combat large industrial fire in Horsham, with road closures and warnings to residents.
紧急服务部门在星期六晚间响应了西萨塞克斯州霍尔沙姆的一个工业区发生的大火. Emergency services responded to a large fire at an industrial property in Horsham, West Sussex, late Saturday evening. 据信,这起火灾始于一家出售铁炉、木材和装饰用品的商店,引发了大量烟雾。 The fire, believed to have started at a shop selling ironmongery, timber, and decorating supplies, produced significant smoke. 道路被关闭,附近居民被告知关上窗户。 The road was closed, and nearby residents were advised to close their windows. 截至周日中午,消防员仍在现场,努力控制热点并调查火灾起因。 As of Sunday midday, firefighters were still on site, working to control hotspots and investigate the fire's cause. 当局敦促公众避开这一区域。 Authorities urged the public to avoid the area.