新西兰酿酒业使国内生产总值增加了35.8亿美元,支持了全国35 200多个就业岗位。 New Zealand's brewing industry boosts GDP by $3.58 billion, supporting over 35,200 jobs nationwide.
新西兰酿酒业对国内生产总值的贡献为35.8亿美元,即0.9%,并支助了35 200多个工作岗位。 The brewing industry in New Zealand contributes $3.58 billion to the GDP, or 0.9%, and supports over 35,200 jobs. 奥克兰领先 42%的GDP贡献 和40%的酿酒工作。 Auckland leads with 42% of GDP contributions and 40% of brewing jobs. 该行业产生17亿美元的税收收入,包括来自消费税和货物税的8.81亿美元。 The industry generates $1.7 billion in tax revenue, including $881 million from excise and GST. 60%以上的酿酒厂参与旅游业,近80%的酿酒厂提供抽水室。 Over 60% of breweries are involved in tourism, and nearly 80% offer taprooms. 低碳啤酒销售额已增至占销售总额的18%。 Low-carb beer sales have increased to 18% of total sales.