新西兰的毛利人旅游业已发展到12亿个行业,支持了15,000多个工作岗位。 Māori tourism in New Zealand grows to a $1.2 billion industry, supporting over 15,000 jobs.
新西兰毛利人旅游业从2018年的9.75亿美元增长到12亿个行业,为15,000多个工作岗位提供了支持。 Māori tourism in New Zealand has grown to a $1.2 billion industry, up from $975 million in 2018, supporting over 15,000 jobs. 该部门包括3 595家企业,将社区和文化放在高于利润的优先地位,往往比非毛利人企业多付雇员工资。 The sector, which includes 3,595 businesses, prioritizes community and culture over profit, often paying employees more than non-Māori businesses. 尽管存在一些挑战,毛利人旅游业在吸引对新西兰文化感兴趣的国际游客方面发挥着关键作用。 Despite some challenges, Māori tourism plays a key role in attracting international visitors interested in New Zealand's culture.