澳大利亚政治人物提议削减啤酒税以缓解生活成本压力。 Australian politicians propose cutting beer taxes to ease cost-of-living pressures.
各国政府数千年来对啤酒征税,利用收入来资助战争和其他开支。 Governments have taxed beer for thousands of years, using the revenue to fund wars and other expenses. 在澳大利亚,啤酒税在过去十年中大幅上升,根据消费物价指数每年调整两次,导致啤酒价格上涨。 In Australia, beer taxes have risen significantly over the past decade, adjusted twice a year based on the Consumer Price Index, leading to higher beer prices. 一些联盟成员提议降低啤酒消费税, 但不清楚这是否会降低消费者价格。 As a response to public outcry over the cost of living, some Coalition members propose reducing beer excise taxes, though it's unclear if this would lower prices for consumers.