新研究表明,空气污染与降低黑色素瘤风险之间存在令人惊讶的联系,但专家警告说,污染会带来严重的健康风险。 New study suggests a surprising link between air pollution and reduced melanoma risk, but experts caution against the severe health risks of pollution.
最近的一项研究表明,更高水平的空气污染颗粒物(PM10 和 PM2.5)可能与降低患黑色素瘤的风险有关,黑色素瘤是最致命的皮肤癌。 A recent study suggests that higher levels of air pollution particulates (PM10 and PM2.5) may be linked to a reduced risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. 然而,该研究的观察设计和有限的范围意味着它无法证明因果关系。 However, the study's observational design and limited scope mean it cannot prove causation. 虽然这些发现很有趣,但与空气污染相关的严重健康风险,如呼吸系统疾病和心脏病,远远超过了任何潜在的保护作用。 While the findings are intriguing, the severe health risks associated with air pollution, such as respiratory diseases and heart problems, far outweigh any potential protective effects. 专家强调清洁空气和适当防晒的重要性。 Experts emphasize the importance of clean air and proper sun protection.