接触PM2.5与孕妇发炎增加有关的污染,影响胎儿健康。 Exposure to PM2.5 pollution linked to increased inflammation in pregnant women, affecting fetal health.
最近的一项科学进步研究将暴露于PM2.5污染与孕妇发炎增加联系起来,这可能导致出生体重不足和早产。 A recent study in Science Advances links exposure to PM2.5 pollution to increased inflammation in pregnant women, potentially causing low birth weight and preterm birth. 该研究由哈佛大学牵头,发现PM2.5能够破坏免疫反应中涉及的关键蛋白质和基因,导致炎症。 Led by Harvard University, the research found that PM2.5 can disrupt key proteins and genes involved in immune responses, leading to inflammation. 这突出表明需要改善空气质量政策和准则,以保护产妇和胎儿的健康。 This highlights the need for better air quality policies and guidelines to protect maternal and fetal health.