新的研究甚至将低水平的交通污染与肝脏损伤和脂肪肝病联系起来。 New study links even low levels of traffic pollution to liver damage and fatty liver disease.
一项新的研究发现,即使与交通有关的空气污染水平较低,特别是PM2.5颗粒,也会损害肝脏健康,增加肝脏脂肪病的风险。 A new study finds that even low levels of traffic-related air pollution, specifically PM2.5 particles, can harm liver health and increase the risk of fatty liver disease. 研究人员使小鼠受到类似于悉尼人类接触的污染,观测到肝炎加剧、疤痕组织以及不健康的脂肪积累。 Researchers exposed mice to pollution similar to human exposure in Sydney, observing increased liver inflammation, scar tissue, and unhealthy fat accumulation. 研究表明,这些污染物的接触没有安全水平,因此建议了尽量减少接触的方法,例如避免高峰交通时间和使用较不拥挤的路线。 The study suggests there is no safe level of exposure to these pollutants, recommending ways to minimize exposure like avoiding peak traffic hours and using less congested routes.