研究发现,PM2.5污染严重影响老年人的健康,特别是在日本农村。 Study finds PM2.5 pollution severely impacts elderly health, especially in rural Japan.
东京大学的一项新研究表明,日本的老年人受到PM2.5空气污染的严重影响,在医疗资源有限的农村地区尤其如此。 A new study from the University of Tokyo shows that PM2.5 air pollution significantly harms elderly populations in Japan, especially in rural areas with limited medical resources. 细微粒子能够深入肺部和血液,造成严重的健康问题,并增加经济成本。 The fine particles can deeply penetrate the lungs and bloodstream, causing severe health issues and increasing economic costs. 研究人员建议更严格地控制污染,改善保健基础设施,并开展国际合作以解决这些问题。 Researchers recommend stricter pollution controls, better healthcare infrastructure, and international cooperation to address these problems.